Tuesday, March 31, 2009
and i don't even know my last name./ 2:11 AM

so..vegas. it was a blast. i love that place because it's different everytime but always so fucking fun. this trip consisted of(in chronological order)..

-drinks and food at margaritaville. you'd think the name would require them to have impressive, huge margarita's. nope, 8 oz ugly glass and a silly little lime is all i got. GOD DAMN YOU, JIMMY BUFFET.

-bought 32 dollars worth of alcohol to wear around my neck like a rock star. everyone stopped and asked me where i got it or would point and think it was amazing.

-stopped at treasure island to see the slutty pirate show they do outside. pussycat dolls meets my nana with an eye patch, basically.

-decided at the last minute to go see steel panther. much love from them. they were beyond excited to see us and we sat with them while they played blackjack for a while after the show. it was nice to talk to them for a while and it just be us. in hollywood, the sluts are coming out of every corner trying to bombard them with AIDS as we try to converse.

-made a mad dash back to the strip at 1am in order to go to the bar before they closed at 3. we got to coyote ugly by 1:30, door man told us that they were closed except for re-entry. i used some pouting/sighing to get him to feel poor for us and let us in anyways. glad it worked..he took us into a corner to check our IDs and then sent us in quickly.

-to get the most out of my coyote ugly experience, i bought as many beers as possible within a half hour. then "just dance" came on and tiffany and i got up on the bar to own it. sadly, gaga was the last song that they were allowing bar dancing. they closed all together at 2:15.

-spent the rest of the night in new york, new york. found the center bar there(serves alcohol all night long) and met a bunch of english boys. one was upset that his hair straightener wouldn't work in american outlets. another looked like phil collins so we told him.. fifteen minutes later, a phil collins song played and we flipped shit. also convinced them all that we were from ireland and that my friend was an irish porn star named o'shea riley. i was her sidekick, kitty.

-decided to call up stephen, as we knew him and his friend had decided to come for the weekend as well. they met us and we hung out and watched them play craps all night while continuing to drink for 3 more hours. the woman at the table hated me. "don't hold your drink over the table!", "you can't have your phone over here!" "i am azn, rahhhh!".

-finally stopped drinking and left ny, ny at 5:30. the entire ride home consisted of everybody yelling out the windows at all pedestrians. "TAKE OFF YOUR PANTS!'' "SLUTTY DRESS!" and "WHY ARE YOU ALONE? SHOULD'VE GOT A HOOKER" were some of my favorite lines i heard come from the back seat.

-the boys met us at the hotel, at 6am, to hang for a bit more. we attempted to watch TV but i drunk failed and we ordered pizza instead. 26 dollars for a shitty room service pizza on a cart. i just laid in bed drinking rockstar and jager the entire hour until they finally left at 7am. it was bright outside by the time we got to sleep and we had to be up by 11 to check out in time.

-sunday we were all dying and spent 8 hours in the car getting home. it was brutal..but my dunkin donuts prior to leaving made the day worth it.

love that place.

NOTE: i left the part of the story out where i was casually shown a pierced(and GAUGED) dick as if it was no big deal. but that's because what happens in vegas stays in vegas? not so sure it does..

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
it's safe to just let go./ 12:31 AM

today everything that has been bothering me over the last few months stopped bothering me. i have no idea why, it just sort of happened..and it is wonderful.

fuck everyone else, fuck everything that sucks. it will all work out.

(let's see how long this lasts. it usually takes one sentence from someone to make me do a complete 180 again.)

at the moment though, life is good. HOPE YOU ARE READY FOR ME, VEGAS.

Monday, March 23, 2009
it's no bad girl's club../ 11:38 PM

..but i used to be so obsessed with big brother. i found marcellas from my favorite season on twitter and wrote him. i love that sometimes people will write back, it is quite neat.

this is half me being excited and half me testing out new photobucket/being able to load images to the internet from my sidekick.

aaaand success.

we'll break these bottles in well lit parking lots./ 12:46 AM

i have this annoying sickness going on this weekend that is driving me insane. one minute it's my throat, the next it's a cough, then it seems to be getting better and an hour later i want to die. hopefully when i wake up tomorrow, it is all in the past.

i tried to avoid going out as much as possible this weekend, because being out on the town can't be the greatest thing for a sad immunity system. i stayed in all day today, with the exception of going to the movies to see i love you, man. i didn't love it, but whatever. the kid behind us would repeat everything they said on screen, as if no one else heard. since they just said it and all. i don't care if the little fucker was ten years old, i wanted to shank him. saturday was also uneventful, lots of laying around the house, eating junk food, getting fatter..the usual.

however, on friday..we did go out. me and KS decided to go out for margaritas down at cabo on sunset. such good food, i had never been besides the san diego location. we decided to make the long walk down to red rock after that and met a few people down there. we wanted to go dancing upstairs but since the brit was there, we ended up talking downstairs at the bar all night. my boss was there as well, drunk as a skunk and telling me to cancel our hotel in vegas because he was going to book us something at the venetian and pay for it. LOL..we will see if he remembers that tomorrow. i can't say i remember much of the night at the bar because drinks just kept being bought for me and that makes it easy to lose track of things.

when we left, we had to walk back to the car which about 10-15 minutes away. it's amazing how when you are drunk, you could walk forever. a mile might as well be a meter and it wouldn't make a difference. halfway through the walk we hear someone yelling at us from the road. it was my aunt in her little silver mercedes, sitting in the passenger seat and going crazy. my cousin, who is visiting, was driving and pulled over to the side of the street to talk to us. it is always weird when you run into people here because it's such a huge city..you never expect to be somewhere at the same time as anyone. they had just got back from some party for party down and my aunt was drunk. she is such an asshole for not inviting me to this party, god.

BUT ANYWAYS. not even a minute after they pull away, 5 cop cars swarm the area we are walking in and they all run out and book it towards this parking lot. we looked over and saw some dude trying to run down a hill and get away as fast as possible. cops shot at him, i don't think they got him with the bullet but they tackled him to the ground, tasered him and then the officer on top of him punched him in the face about 5 times. i don't know what the guy did but apparently he put up quite the fight. they made us clear the area once they bagged him..such a crazy scene.

my room is always a mess come sunday night. everything from the past few days ends up on my floor. water bottles with alcohol in them, receipts, dirty clothes, new clothes, blah blah. maybe i will clean it tomorrow, even though i probably won't. it's so much easier to just throw everything off the bed and pretend i could never see the floor to begin with.

Thursday, March 19, 2009
and the silence is so loud./ 12:40 AM

can't sleep. can never sleep. i am hoping that when i wake up..it'll be a week later and i'll be going to vegas in a few days.

i hear you can buy time machines on ebay, will look into this tomorrow. until then..MOVE FUCKING FASTER, CLOCK.

birthday trip.
boston/new hampshire.


Wednesday, March 18, 2009
i slept with dylan first./ 2:24 PM

85 degrees out today. really wish i was at the beach or at my pool, but instead i am stuck at my desk staring outside. we keep the door wide open in hopes of feeling the air somewhat. currently, i am downloading some albums now and spent the last hour reading the new blender and rolling stone. exhilarating life at the moment.

OH, AND PALEYFEST IS HOLDING A 90210 CAST/CREW SCREENING. if shannen doherty, jennie garth AND tori spelling are there, i will spend so much to get in. i have held back on tickets now because only tori is confirmed and i am already meeting her on the 20th. yessahh.

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Tuesday, March 17, 2009
they don't know that what you love is ripped away/ 1:35 AM

got an e-mail from home tonight, it's inevitable that it has me feeling pretty homesick.

"I can play guitar pretty good now and have even written a couple of decent songs.  Right now, I am listening to some oldies while I write you this email.  I want to learn to play some Herman's Hermits tunes and also Small Faces songs.  They just seem like you could have a lot of fun with them!

I hope everyone in L.A. is doing well.  Tell everyone I said "Hi".  I figure your aunt must be mad at me by now because I never got around to returning her last couple of calls.  I just never think of it at the right times.

I love you very much and miss you.  I think about you a lot.  I hope you are laughing, smiling, and having a good time!  Make sure you like what you are doing and who you are doing it with.  Keep your sense of adventure and remember to always run away from trouble!

Write when you can and don;t forget to let me know when your plane arrives so I can get you at the airport.  I love you!

Dad....................... :)"

i absolutely hate that i don't talk to my family more often. half of it is my fault, i know this..but it's the way they raised me. i am just like them, so anything i have to say right now is hypocritical as fuck. we are all so independent and you're just supposed to know that you love each other. i don't suggest living this way because 90% of the time, i don't know that anyone loves me at all.

this is the first i have heard from my dad since i went home for christmas. i e-mailed him two weeks ago and tonight he finally responded. he doesn't call because he is afraid he is bothering me..i have told him many times that he isn't and to call whenever he wants. i cannot even explain how happy it would make me to look at my phone and see "MISSED CALL: DAD". he's busy though and as mentioned in the e-mail, he doesn't think to call at the right times..i know he doesn't do it on purpose. i know he cares, a lot. but it still never ceases to bother me.

my mom is better at calling, i am pretty much the one that sucks at contacting her. i work until 6:30 and she is in bed by 9pm, so with the 3 hour time difference, we never get to connect. i used to be so close with my mom. REALLY close. things changed some when my parents divorced, 5 years ago. she wanted to stay in the house and have my dad find a new place..i didn't think that was right considering she was the one that found someone else she was in love with. i think when we had to tell her that we weren't on her side with this one, things really never went back to normal. i mean, our relationship is fine..i love her, but we lost the part of it where we laughed and joked together. it has taken her up until a year ago to finally believe me when i say that i don't think things are her fault and that i am glad she's happy. i see now that everything worked out how it should've.

more importantly than my whining, hearing from my dad made me really excited to go home at the end of april. it's moms birthday and i want to do something nice. i haven't gotten to spend her birthday with her for 3 years. sometimes i forget i went almost a year and a half without seeing her..it doesn't seem like that time in life even happened.

i don't really know why i am ranting about this stuff. i just haven't put it down in words for a long time and i feel like i should. and i REALLY don't know why i am ranting about it here, these are not typical things i like to share with people. but either way, it is what it is.

i think tomorrow i will call my mom, call my dad, call my sister. who cares if they don't call me, i should be calling them. it takes two to tango, right?

she'll look at you and swear she's true, what will moving to california do? i know for sure she's lost her way. you'll be wrapped around her finger too, she's a little too much and a little too good for you..
sunset overdose

i went to heaven, but couldn't get in for what i had done. i said, "please take me." they said, "you're crazy..you had too much fun."

about me

my name is kelly. i am 23 years old. i live in los angeles. my life is pretty alright.
go listen to

hit the lights
flight 409
the friday night boys
mayday parade


what i am listening to.

sunset overdose